We enjoyed going to the county 4H cow show to watch the Jboys show their calf.
We decorated eggs for Easter.
We went to our church's Easter egg hunt.
We left the Easter bunny a snack and he ate most of it.
I love the picture below of Elliott watching the Jboys fish. He drug that little chair out in the back yard and sat there a good fifteen minutes.
We got to see my dad and NanaLin several times. We played with Legos and went to the beach and played some golf.
We went back to the Gulf. One of our favorite things to do right now is catch critters in nets.
Mazie got to go to a bridal shower with Nana. She had a wonderful time. So did her baby.
Here is Mazie being some sort of fisher bug.
More fishing pictures.
Elliott and Lucia like to fish the most. Mazie will some times, but often she just likes to soak up the sun.
Nana got the girls new dresses.
Mazie is still into mermaids. She likes to make sure they have plenty of fresh water to live in. I am always finding somebody in an underwater world.
Elliott is our bee charmer. We went out to a community right on the state line and got some bees and a queen. It was quite the experience. H and I were amazed at how Elliott was entranced with the bees. He could pet them and touch them and not get stung. It was a neat thing to watch.
Our bees are going great so far. We will let them make their honey until the beginning of next summer. Then we will rob them and get a little of the sweet stuff. We love to go check on them and watch them fly in and out of their hive.
We planted a small raised garden in May and hope to get tomatoes and peppers and soybeans and carrots to eat.
Lucia helped me with a fun little project: making cherry liqueur. Organic cherries halved with pits (the pits are supposed to give the liqueur an almond flavor), sugar, and equal parts Everclear and water (or just straight Vodka). It has to sit up several months, but Lucia and I are hoping it makes for some good Holiday gifts.
We hope you enjoyed the latest installment of A Gracious Plenty--Another Photo Dump. I am sorry to be so far behind, but I don't want to give up. For now, this is how our blog rolls. Peace and blessings to you and yours.