Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Changes, Part One

The kids have started school. They are going two full days a week. Yesterday was their first day. They had a good day and were happily playing when H and I picked them up. In fact, when we were leaving, Elliott was signing "more, more."
H and I came to this decision for several reasons. It is increasingly difficult for me to get anything done around the house with three little ones into everything. It is also very rare that I am away from them. Of course I love to be with them, but I have gotten to the point where a little time away will make my time with them more focused and engaged. Additionally, we felt the three would benefit from interacting with others their age. We believe sending them to "school" will help them become more independent.

Miss Debbie is their teacher. She is very sweet and nurturing. The babies loved her from the start. Lucia, Elliott, and Mazie will be acquiring new skills which is another reason we decided to take this plunge. They nap on cots. They eat at a table. They play with other children. They pick up their toys.

We feel happy about this new change, knowing it will be good for the mamas and the babies.


Amanda Lockhart said...

Nice to know that they love school..they will have a blast interacting with the other kids!

And how nice for the mamas to have a little bit of time for them....

AMY said...

Yay for everybody!! This is so great, they are going to have the best time and it will make the transition to all day, everyday so much easier. You all deserve some "YOU" time...they will love you even more for it!!!! Miss you, love you!