Our visit to the pediatrician this week went well. The babies got their four month shots. They have not felt well today, each of them running a fever and fussing more than usual. We have no real issues to speak of. We are glad that they each are doing so well. We go back in March for the sixth month appointment.
Our main issue at this time seems to be Mazie’s digestive system. She is now on her third formula. We switched everyone to a soy formula the beginning of November due to gas. In December we switched Mazie to a formula that is pre-digested, or broken-down, because she was still having gas and the soy was constipating her. She still has episodes of painful gas. Unfortunately, or fortunately, she had one of these episodes at the doctor yesterday. The doctor tested her for blood in her intestines; this came back negative. I am now going to chart her day and my diet to see if we can find any correlation with her problems. In addition to putting Mazie on Nutramigen formula in December, I have been off of all dairy since before Thanksgiving. I could go to an even stricter diet or we could pull her off all breast milk, but we are going to watch for a while to see if we can find a pattern first.
You know we love to report their weight gains, so here they are:
She weighed 11 pounds and 10 ½ ounces
She is 22 ¾ inches long
In weight, she is in the 75th percentile for babies born at 34 weeks gestation.
Exactly one month ago, Lucia weighed 10 pounds and 4 ounces, a gain of one pound and six and a half ounces.
He weighed 12 pounds 5 ½ ounces
He is 23 ½ inches long
In weight, he is at the 75th percentile, up from 50th percentile, for babies born at 34 weeks gestation. His length is at the 90th percentile. Our doctor said next time we see her she will have to use the full-term baby growth chart for Elliott.
One month ago, Elliott weighed 11 pounds and 8 ounces, a gain of thirteen and a half ounces.
She weighed 10 pounds 5 ounces
She is 21 ¾ inches long
In weight, she has moved from 25th percentile for 34 weekers to almost the 50th percentile.
One month ago, she weighed 9 pounds and 5 ounces, a gain of one pound.
Additionally, while clothing sizes for babies vary as much as sizes for adults, Lucia and Mazie are still in 0-3 month sizes, while Elliott is usually in a 3-6 month size.