Tuesday, December 29, 2009


While we were in Georgia we spent some time with my Grandma. My aunt, uncle and aunt, and cousin and her family came over too. We had a lovely time playing and eating the world's best barbeque. This picture is of Aunt Nancy playing with Lucia. Lucia still asks about Aunt Nancy. They are playing with a puzzle my grandma has had since I was a child. I used to love to try to fit all the animals together.
Grandma, taking a break from all the action.

These pictures are of Elliott and my cousin Molly's son , E, playing with cars. E was very sweet and taught Elliott some of the ins and outs of driving cars.
Here E is showing Elliott how to work a toy piano my Grandma had. The hat you place on the bear's head determines which song he plays on the piano.
All the children loved Grandma's poodle, Misty, but Mazie really took to Misty. For several weeks she would ask me where "Grandma Livvie and Missy" were.
We loved our time in Georgia and this afternoon was one of the highlights.

1 comment:

karen said...

I LOVED that puzzle!!! Too cool. So glad y'all had a nice visit with Grandma.