Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tub Time Dos

The past few months we've been putting the three in the tub every night. We might not lather them up each night, but we let them soak. If H has made it in from work, she does the bathing. She says some nights she absolutely loves it and other nights she absolutely does not love it.
Mazie and Elliott like to lie down and kick. They also like to splash. Lucia likes to pour, sometimes out of the tub and she most definitely does not like for Mazie or Elliott to touch her.
One night this week H gave the children fun hairdos as a way to get their hair washed. The four of them had a great time.
I loved their sweet smelling hair when they got out.

1 comment:

Amanda Lockhart said...

So cute! those hairdos are a fav at our house!